Children ages 2 to 3 years old.
Children start in the Yorke Room at around 2 years of age or when we feel that they are developmentally ready for the room and finish at around 3 to 3.5 years when they move on to the Eyre room. Children learn and grow so much and we aim to work in partnership with you to foster this development.
The Early Years Learning Framework is a nationally recognised curriculum that supports and extends on children’s learning between the ages of birth and five years. It is used in Long Day Care Centre’s, Family Day Care and Preschool Programs.
‘Belonging, Being, Becoming: The Early Years Framework’, has a strong focus on play as well as fundamental skills like literacy and numeracy and recognises that children must feel safe, secure and supported in their environments to become successful and engaged learners. Each child has a portfolio documenting their time at Hallett Cove Community Children’s Centre. Children’s portfolios will be added to regularly by educators, families and children and reflected upon by educators to ensure programming for each child remains relevant to their interests and developmental stage.
We are dedicated to have the practise of sustainability embedded through out our program. You will find that our room has many different strands of sustainability available for children to participate in along with those that are just embedded and part of our daily practice. Children are encouraged to use the recycling station bins for depositing of wastes, along with having a paper towel bin for just paper towels.
Children can choose to help with daily tasks such as feeding the worms or guinea pigs or disposing of compostable wastes in our compost, which come from the food left over at morning tea time and other meals through out the day. We also have a vegetable garden that children are welcomed to help with, watering, planting and picking the foods. We try and grow foods in our Vegetable patch that are foods that can be used for cooking and the children can see the process from garden to plate.
We include discussions around sustainable practices, for example, caring for trees and gardens, planting trees, water conservation, composting etc into our daily discussions both in groups and one on one as they arise.
Hallett Cove Community Children’s Centre supports and encourages Healthy Eating Practices in all its menus. Children are given variety of fruit at both morning tea and afternoon tea time in which they can choose for themselves. We encourage children to self serve at all meal times, from serving rice to pouring their own milk, to spreading their own toast.
Our Chef provides a menu on a weekly basis that is displayed in our room if you ever want to check what is being served.

We have a routine in the Yorke Room, to provide a structured day for the children.